Announcing our new Word Generator

Stuck on finding just the right word to inspire you throughout 2022? Many of our Christian Planner Family have selected a word of the year, and shared it with the group. We thought it would be fun to create a word generator for anyone who may need a little bit of help selecting a word.

We believe that choosing a word of the year/month creates focus. It helps simplify the noise around us and finding your word is a process that invites God to create a guidepost specific to you throughout the year. Choosing a guiding word from scripture really can change the course of your life. 

To use the word generate click the link below and scroll down to find the 'Generate' button. Be sure to be prayerful about your word selection. It should be something meaningful to you, so that when you see that word in the future you'll remember your drive, commitment, and desire to do and be better.

Interested in learning more about selecting words. Check out our 2020 Blog Post